Labtuit | About

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Why we founded Labtuit

Why we founded Labtuit

You want more, we get it.

Are you dreaming about an exciting new professional challenge or maybe you'd like to strike more of a work-life balance?
Perhaps you just want to secure a bigger paycheck?
Whatever it is you're aiming for. We will help you get to where you want, quickly. You can fast track your professional goal by leveraging a Labtuit advisor, so why wait?

Labtuit only works with job seekers based in the U.S. or Canada

Signup Now

We’re part of your team every step of the way
Our proprietary process helps you level up fast



Together we'll assess your experience, showcase your strengths and define what a fulfilling career means to you


You'll win valuable referrals through our proprietary process, which will get your resume moved to the top.


Our experts will optimize your resume, enhance your online presence and highlight your unique skillset.


Our mock interviews - technical, case, and everything in between - will help you nail your interviews. And we’ll help you negotiate competitive comp.